Fender Twin Reverb ’65 “Blackface” Reissue (SOLD)

I think this amp needs no introduction. It’s a “Blackface” Fender Twin…an absolute industry standard clean guitar sound machine. 4 X 6l6 power valves, great sounding reverb and vibrato…It’s been used by so many artists all over the world. My favourite Twin Reverb sound is by Eric Johnson! His famous songs and albums are based on these Fender Twins. These are built like a tank. Fender did a great job. These latest models have a red labelled Jensen speakers in it which are so great! I like them a lot. These amps takes pedals so well, unlike the Deluxe Reverbs which have a bright cap. These have bright switch so no modification needed just turn off the bright switch and the overdrive pedals will sound great!

Check my latest guitar demo videos that I’ve recorded with this amp:


There is no issues with this amp, sounds great, looks great! It comes with it’s foot switch and a soft cover.

These go around £1600 in the big stores, even a little 15W Fender Princeton Reverb goes for £1200++ so I’m sure it’s a nice deal for someone at £900. SOLD